5,471 research outputs found

    Cognitively Engineering a Virtual Collaboration Environment for Crisis Response

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    Crisis response situations require collaboration across many different organizations with different backgrounds, training, procedures, and goals. The Indian Ocean Tsunami in 2004 and the Hurricane Katrina relief efforts in 2005 emphasized the importance of effective communication and collaboration. In the former, the Multinational Planning Augmentation Team (MPAT) supported brokering of requests for assistance with offers of help from rapidly deployed military and humanitarian assistance facilities. In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the National Guard Soldiers and active component Army Soldiers assisted other state, federal, and non-government organizations with varying degrees of efficiency and expediency. Compounding the challenges associated with collaboration during crisis situations is the distributed nature of the supporting organizations and the lack of a designated leader across these military, government, nongovernment organizations. The Army Research Laboratory is collaborating with the University of Edinburgh, University o

    Gauge Field Preheating at the End of Inflation

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    Here we consider the possibility of preheating the Universe via the parametric amplification of a massless, U(1) abelian gauge field. We assume that the gauge field is coupled to the inflaton via a conformal factor with one free parameter. We present the results of high-resolution three-dimensional simulations of this model and show this mechanism efficiently preheats the Universe to a radiation-dominated final state.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Organizing Freedom: Black Emancipation Activism in the Civil War Midwest

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    “Harbour provides us with a finely tuned multilayered exploration of black women’s activism in the antebellum and Civil War eras.


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     Objective: To study morphology of the hot ISM in the environment of near by early type galaxy NGC4325 at redshift z=0.025714 using 30 ks X-ray data acquired from the archive of Chandra X-ray Observatory. The hot interstellar medium (ISM) in early-type galaxies plays a crucial role in understanding their formation and evolution. Materials and Method:NGC 4325 has been observed by the Chandra Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS-S) for 30 ks on 4 February 2003 (ObsID 3232) in very faint mode. We acquired level 1 event file corresponding to this observation from the Chandra archive and reprocessed it using the calibration files provided by the Chandra X-ray Center (CALDB V 4.6.7). Results:. Tricolor map in soft ,mid and hard band revels that the contribution of soft and mid component is more in this galaxy while hard component is very less. The best fit wabs*apec model yielded into the minimum χ2 = 0.9240 for 300 dof and the best fit temperature equal to 2.9549 keV, metallicity equal to 0.0225Z⊙, where as the 0.5-7 keV X-ray luminosity equal to 1.8068*10+42 erg/s. Conclusion: Systematic analysis of Chandra archive data on the X-ray bright NGC4325 revels that it consist substantial amount of hot IS
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